Sunday, August 9, 2009

new site stuff

couple o' new bits, the main one being a slightly revamped look. what ya think? let me know with the new feedback/contact form, which should make it way easier to submit ideas, ask questions, get help with problems, or send love (which makes it all worth it :) just click on the tab on the left or at the new top menu, or visit here.

also just added after a bunch of requests is the new search form, on the left on top of the 'new' listing.

keep sending your great feedback, it's what makes funfacecam fun to keep building up and improving. and your support is really important to keep things going, whether it be buying a cup of coffee, checking out the ads, or even just spreading around the laughs with others. Salud!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

New Iconic Video Theme!

Proudly co-produced with the awesome, purveyor of the choicest bits of the web, this new series lets you be the star of some of the web's most (in)famous viral video celebrities, like laughing baby, numa numa, rick(roll) astley, david after dentist, and more! Inspired by their monumental list of The 100 Most Iconic Internet Videos, this marvel team-up was super fun to work on, and i hope you enjoy it too... Check it out!

Yay, check out's feature on it here.