Saturday, May 30, 2009

New 'Hairstyles' category unleashed!

After long nights in the lab, the trial beta version is up and running here... This new category lets you experiment with different hair lengths, colors, and styles instantly without a single scissor snip, or the outrageous salon fees... And as always, totally free.

Hairstyles are organized into Short, Medium, and Long hair length sub-categories. Many are wacky, some retro, a few may even remind you of an old 'do you've tried to forget, but all are definitely fun! I'm not very savvy with style descriptions, but with some googling I think I'm getting some hair terminology down... Please feel free to send me corrections or suggest better ones.

Like the 'super sized' photobooth, it has a rotate/scale feature, allowing you to resize and position the hair overlays however you wish. Click on the image, then click and drag the hair overlay or box corners for the perfect fit..

There's ALOT of hairstyles to come, and I'm posting them up as fast as I can! Have fun with them, and do share the word with friends... :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Site of the Day!

Heey is Site of the Day! at, a truly excellent (obviously) public servant (or pusher) for Internet Trends, Viral Videos, Memes and Web Culture. 

Love was noted for the Super-Sized Vintage Album Covers category, and the color/size adjustment features.   Big thanks to Jessica Amason, yay!